Cultivating Connection.

Multiplying Joy.

Since 1991.



Circle of Friends raises funds for kidspace children's museum through two primary events:


Mark your calendars!! Our Annual Benefit will be held on Saturday, February 3, 2024, and it’s an event Members, Founders, and friends look forward to all year!

The Annual Benefit is a costume-themed evening of dinner and dancing — all to raise funds to support Kidspace! Attendees enjoy a silent auction during cocktail hour and a live auction with exclusive items.


In 2022, Circle of Friends beloved, historic Pumpkin Festival will transform into an intimate Fall Event — filled with just as much fun and infused with the organization’s same passion and commitment to Kidspace. Please look for more exciting details about this upcoming magical occasion for members of the museum and the surrounding community.

COF plans to continue, as it has since 1991 in partnership with the museum, to create joyful, safe Fall activities for underserved families and children — many of whom come from Pasadena organizations, foster homes, shelters, and churches.


Occasions that foster community growth.


Circle Gatherings

Cocktail parties*

Two cocktail parties, in March and November, for Actives and Founders, bring Circle of Friends together for evenings of fun, friendship, and community. A Spring Cocktail Party is held each year to welcome New Members. 

Family Picnic AT KIDSPACE*

On one Sunday each year, Members get the whole museum to themselves (plus tasty fare from the In-N-Out truck)! A family favorite!

buy-In Parties*

Varying each year and by opportunity, Buy-In Parties are planned for Members and Founders to both fundraise and gather in support of Kidspace Children's Museum. 

*Some gatherings may be postponed, altered or cancelled due to Covid-19 regulations.